Are you ready to

create YOUR

online business?

Are you ready to create YOUR

online business?

Then this 2-part soulpreneur online course is your perfect healing activation and blueprint for fun & easy online success.

Are you ready to

create YOUR

online business?

Are you ready to create YOUR

online business?

Then this 2-part soulpreneur online course is your perfect vibrational healing activation and blueprint for fun & easy online success.

Perfect for:

Healers and spiritual types wanting to take their offerings online and individuals who are ready to share their gifts

with the world.

This course is perfect for you if you want to create change in your community and create an easy, fun way to share your gifts and diversify your offerings for optimum success. This is a beginner course designed to help you create a foundation for success.

If you're struggling with creating an online business and...

•You are just starting out and want to share your offerings with the world

•You don't know how to run a business but you are ready to try

•You are having trouble staying positive

•You are feeling ungrounded and struggling to find consistent income in your business

•You are craving community, connection, and support

•You are ready to stop wasting time so you can show up for your mission on this planet

•The last couple of years have motivated you to be a force for positive change

•You may be experiencing fear of survival — feeling worried and stressed about money

You know you came here to make a difference and you are willing to take the next steps to fulfill your purpose and make your dreams come true

•You are intuitive, sensitive, and gifted, and you want to make a learning utilizing your gifts and inspiration

2-part online course designed to help

you create an easy online offering and

raise your vibration for success.

part 1:

Vibe Up Your Energy

Focus on vibration upgrades,

healing, and the feminine flow

part 2:

Vibe Up Biz Offering

Create your easy, fun online

offering from idea to launch!

Your new, higher-vibration blueprint

Healing tools for yourself & your clients

Mindset upgrades

Learn how to become magnetic to success

Learn how to create an easy, fun, profitable online offering

Custom 1 on 1 support for you and your business

You'll leave with...

•A higher vibration

•Inspiration & motivation in your business

•Abundance mindset

•A new, vibrational blueprint for success

•Confidence, clarity and hope

•Healing tools

•A fun, new, online offering to share

•A solid business foundation to build upon

Here’s What You’ll Get When

You Sign Up Now:

Vibe Up - Your Energy:

6 Training Videos + Course Materials + Visualizations

{ $1,500 value }

Vibe Up - Biz Offering:

6 Training Videos + Course Materials

{ $1,500 value }

Lifetime Access

to the entire program

1 on 1 Coaching (optional)

3 months focused on you and getting your business off the ground and

getting more money in the bank

of like-minded students

{ $6,000 value }

+ Special Bonuses:

Social Media, Abundance Miracle Tone Audio,

and Millionaire-Mentality Meditations

{ $500 }

Total course value: $9,500

Self Study


Get Me Out of

Survival Offering

3 Month 1 on 1

Payment Plan


3 Payments of $1,333

3 Month 1 on 1 Coaching


I'm All In - Pay in Full