Soul Love

I'm currently on a work and love adventure in New York. Brooklyn to be exact.

Never did I ever think I would consciously choose to come to this city again.

I'm a wide open, very clear energetic being and cities are a lot for me.

I am also a lover and have a created a life where I follow the spiritual current that pulls me. That current has led to my greatest healings and also most painful moments.

Somehow, that current led me here to a beautiful apartment overlooking the East river and the city scape. I thought sunsets over the ocean were fantastic but sunsets over this Atlantean cityscape are also pretty spectacular.

I am called to be of service, to offer my gifts and healing here in the city and also to follow a relationship current that may very well be my unraveling, with a being who challenges me to the very core of my being, just by being who he is and choosing the life that he's choosing.

Being the first carrier of Tepezcohuite in the US, I want to expand the work across the globe, offering healing spaces and activating shamans in the path.

So here I go with my first collaboration in NY (and hopefully not the last)...

Soul Love a journey to love beyond the parameters of our minds.

I am activating many offerings during my time here after about a year break from teaching and facilitating groups outside my tantric shaman training and the medicine work.

Stay tuned...

Phenix Rose

New Earth Leader

I'm here to change the world by helping YOU get truly clear & aligned on the inside.

We are vibrational beings living in a vibrational world. When we change, everything changes.

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© 2022 Embodied Energy